Present Repertory

All works conceived & choreographed by Louise Reichlin unless noted. Complete credits at “Learn More”.

HEART, Parts I and II

Part 1 previewed at the Culver City Senior Center, 05/18/24.
Premiered at the Culver City Ivy Substation, 07/12-14/24
Part 2 premiered at the San Pedro Festival of the Arts 2018, 09/21/24

(Family Friendly)

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Metro Transformation

Previewed on March 21 at Legacy Senior High School VAPA
Premiered on May 18 2024 Culver City Senior Center

(Family Friendly)

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Reboot! Reboot!

Created as a film in August 2021
Premiered in 2023 at San Pedro Arts Festival

(Family Friendly)

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A Jewish Child’s Story,
Part I: The Roses on my Wallpaper- A Dream
Part II: Yellow Star

First showing: Madrid Theatre, Canoga Park, CA

Official Premier: Clark County Library Main Theatre, Las Vegas NV 1/21/2018
(Part I – Family Friendly / All ages)
(Parts I & 2 – General Audience)

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Call From the Afterlife
(originally Several Self-Gestapos)

Conceived & commissioned by: Linda J. Albertano
Premier: Beyond Baroque (subsequently renamed on LA C&D programs)
Venice, CA, 90291
(General Audience)

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Premier: with projection as part of Implosion, A Pairing of the Arts
Los Angeles Theater Center, Los Angeles CA
(Older children and General Audience)

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The Patchwork Girl of Oz

(Redesigned & re-edited shorter 50′ version)
Premier: Children’s Theater Festival/ Super Saturday
Tryon Fine Arts Center, Tryon, NC
(Family Friendly / All ages)

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Tap Dance Widows Club

50′ video and live multimedia (The Baggage Project)
Premier: Miles Memorial Playhouse, Santa Monica CA
(General Audience)

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The Better To Bite You With

(Dance & Multimedia)
Premier: The Jazz Bakery, Culver City, CA
(Family Friendly / All ages)

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A Multicultural Wedding Dance

Including the Tanko Bushi, Kol Dodi, and Lamba
Premiered as an interactive work, Brand Art Center, Glendale, CA. Also developed for school tours.
(General Audience & Family Friendly / All ages)

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Let’s All Dance to a Bluegrass Beat!

Premiered at USC in an invited performance, Los Angeles, CA
1980, and developed for school tours.
(General Audience & Family Friendly/ All ages)

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Urban and Tribal Dances

6 dances premiered between 1990-1992
Batida, Alone, Together
Premiered 1990- Keck Audiroium, Occidental College, Los Angeles CA
War, Remembrance
Premiered 1991- Bovard Auditorium, USC, Los Angeles CA
Premiered 1992- Glendale Arts Center, Glendale CA
(Excerpts both General Audience & Family Friendly / All ages)

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The Tennis Dances

Premier: May 1979 as a work, and August 1979 as first official company performance, Anson Ford Theater, Part of Dance Kaleidoscope, Los Angeles CA
(Excerpts both General Audience & Family Friendly / All ages)

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Selected Past Repertory


(a reworking of Dances of Assimilation, 1995)
Premier: San Pedro ♥ Festival of the Arts
Ports O’Call, San Pedro, CA

Al’s House

Premier: Al’s House in Hancock Park/videotaped by the guests

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Premier: 11/2013
For a benefit for anti-bullying

The Baggage Project

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Dance/Theatre/Multimedia series including:

Tap Dance Widows Club

50′ video and live multimedia
(See premier info under “Current Works” as it is still in repertory)
Includes “Brandenburg”, often performed on its own.

new york 1960’s, hot sidewalks, splatter paint, moon dog on 6th ave, patti arrives
shown in progress, Miles Memorial Playhouse, Santa Monica, CA

Mourning Light
(Dance and multimedia- The Baggage Project)
Premiered: Miles Memorial Playhouse, Santa Monica

Woman Sleeping – Revised
(The Baggage Project)
Revised Premier: Miles Memorial Playhouse, Santa Monica
5/2011. Orig chor 1981

Remembrance – Revised
Revised with New media. (The Baggage Project)
Premiered with media : Miles Memorial Playhouse, Santa Monica
Original version with Urban and Tribal Dances

The Reality Series

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Dance At The Stone House
Premier: Sun Valley Youth Arts Center for 5 dancers and 60-80 participants, site specific work
Sun Valley, CA

The Shampoo/ Identity/ Los(t) Angeles
Brand Art Center, City of Glendale, CA

Kick Up Your Heels!

Rodeo, On The Town, In Vierno  Porteno (a concert tango work to Piazzolla), West Side Story, Grease
Commissioned by the Pasadena Pops Orchestra
Premier: Descanso Gardens, CA
August 15, 2003 

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The Patchwork Girl of Oz

Original Dance/multimedia work 1 hour 7′
Sections Premiered 3/01 to 11/22/02

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Dream Scapes

A collaborative multi-media live music project written and composed by Steve Reid, Bamboo Forest. Choreographer for members of LR&D
Premier: Orlando FL
2000-2005. Toured with new dances created for different tours including “Come Fly Away.”

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Caution: Men at Work, TAP

For Theatrical Arts International, California Theatre, San Bernadino and Bakersfield Music Theatre, 1999. Additional choreography March 2000, including “Harried Executive”, “Dust”, and “ER” by Reichlin.
Directed by Alfred Desio. Toured 12 states March and April 2000. Also China. Cast partially company members.

Shall We Dance? and Grease

With the Pasadena Pops Orchestra
“Shall We Dance?” In collaboration with Alfred Desio, music by George Gershwin and Lucas Richman.
Premier: September 5, 1998, Descanso Gardens, CA

The E-Mail Dances

Dance/Theatre/Multimedia series including:

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The E-Mail Dances: version 2.0

Writer/Choreographer/Director. New multimedia version of “Relative?” and “Remembrance II”
Premier: Valley College, 1998.

The E-Mail Dances: educational version
(solo series for dancer/narrator & media)
Premier: Orange County Museum of Art, Newport Beach CA, 1997.

The E-Mail Dances: lite version
Premier: Feet Speak Festival, Occidental College CA, 1997.

The E-Mail Dances: version 1.0 alpha & 1.0 beta
Includes “Yellow Star,” “Re-Relative?” “Woman in a Room, Woman in the Moon,” “Contest,” “Remembrance.” Video Art by Michael Masucci. Reichlin as Writer, Choreographer, Director.
Premier: 1.0 alpha, Bovard Auditorium, USC, Los Angeles CA. 1996.
Premier: 1.0 beta, Barnsdall Art Gallery/Theater, 1996

The Woman with One Head
Parts I and II

Premier: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Bing Theater 1997-1998.
Part III Premier: Margo Albert Theatre, Plaza de la Raza, 1998.

This Is The Day, We-

Multigenerational dances developed for children and their parents
Premier: Grant Elementary, 1996
Subsiquently developed at Alexandria Elementary, Los Feliz Elementary, Valerio Elementary 1996-1999

Let’s Put It All Together

Special projects our company did at Manual Arts High School using movement  from the cultures of the company and the students.
Premier Second project: 1996.
Premier First project: 1993.

Easy And Uneasy Pieces

A collaboration Louise Reichlin & Alfred Desio
Based on a concept by Reichlin for 9 modern & tap dancers.

There’s a Light Coming In the Window
Premier: LA County Museum of Art/Bing Theatre, CA 1994.

Contest and Milking the Cow
Premier: Fountain Theatre, Los Angeles CA 1994.

Turkish Delights

Magician, Dervish, Odalisque, and Folk Dance
Premier: Brand Art Center, Glendale, CA, May 1993

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Premier: Bing Theater, USC, 1991.
Solo. Revived periodically, now incorporated into the opening of “The Better To Bite You With”.


Premier: Bing Theater, USC, Los Angeles, CA 1989

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Celtic Suite

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Gaelic Scrawl

Premier: Keck Theater, Occidental College, Los Angeles,1990.

The Lark, Susie MacGuire, Fair Nottamun Town
Premier: Pilot Theater, Los Angeles, 1984.

From Out of Their Graves
A collaboration Louise Reichlin & Alfred Desio
Based on a concept by Reichlin for 9 modern dancers and 1 musician/tap dancer
Premier: ’83, Chapman College, Orange, CA, 1983.

Cielo e Terra

Premier: Coronet Theater, Los Angeles, 1988.


Premier: Bing Theater, Los Angeles, 1987.

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Matrix/3 Color Impressions

Premiered as No Story
Premier: Japan America Theatre, Los Angeles,1985.

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XXIIIrd Animal/ Olympics Program

Commissioned by the Los Angeles Zoo
Included series 11 different thematic sections based on Animal Champions
Premier: summer, Los Angeles Zoo on outdoors dance stage built for company, 1984.

Gimbdu Dance Suite

Commissioned by Laguna Beach Arts Commission for “Arts in Motion.” In collaboration with Elfi Chester and kinetic 11 foot hanging artwork.
Previewed at Laguna Beach, 1983. Because of rain, the work was never performed outside, but inside in theaters.
Premier: Pierce College, Woodland Hills, CA, 1983.

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Merchants Lunch or Ulysses Meets Camunda

Co-choreographed with Alfred Desio for 9 modern dancers and solo tap dancer.
Premier: Bing Theater, USC, Los Angeles, CA 1981.

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Woman Sleeping

Premier: Bing Theater, USC, Los Angeles, CA, 1981.
Reworked in 2011 as part of The Baggage Project

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Early Earthen

Premier: Pilot Theater, Hollywood, CA 1980.

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Time-Warp Tarantella

Premier: BingTheater, Los Angeles, CA 1979

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All works conceived & choreographed by Louise Reichlin unless noted. Complete credits at “Learn More”.

Louise Reichlin Comprehensive Choreography

1.“A Jewish Child’s Story, Part 1” The Roses on my Wallpaper- a Dream

2.“A Jewish Child’s Story, Par 2” Yellow Star developed in previews at People’s Place and the San Pedro ♥ Festival of the Arts 9/18/16. Further developed through the LA Theater Advance grant through the NEA and the Dept of Cultural Affairs, City of Los Angeles at the Madrid Theater December 2016, and funded in part through a WORD Artist Grant, the Bruce Geller Memorial Prize. Dancers: Liza Barskaya, Janessa Clemmons, Nathan Ortiz, Kistina Pressler, Rebecca Reaney, Glenn Rodriguez, Linnea Snyderman, Devin Ziel, and Louise Reichlin.

3.“Invasion” developed in previews at Alva’s 8/29/15, People’s Place 9/3/15 and the San Pedro ♥ Festival of the Arts 9/20/15 and premiered with digital animation by Audri Phillips at IMPLOSION, Los Angeles Theater Center 10/2-3/15. Dancers: Elizabeth Ann Poinsette, Kistina Pressler, Coree McKee, Kirby Harrell, Roman Bykov, Linnea Snyderman, Glenn Rodriguez.

4. “The Patchwork Girl of Oz” Revised version of Dance/Multimedia work, new version premiered at Tryon Children’s Festival, NC, March 2016. Dancers: Kistina Pressler, Coree McKee, Kirby Harrell, Linnea Snyderman, Glenn Rodriguez, Tai White.

5-8. “Call From the Afterlife” from the performance poetry work SEVERAL SELF-GESTAPOS….…a siren-song from the afterlife” including “Clown/Ballerina”, “Devil/ Flamenco”, “Angel/Marilyn & the Poet”, “Reaper/Bedouin” premiered at Beyond Baroque 5/16/15. Dancers: Elizabeth Ann Poinsette, Kirby Harrell & Anya Liffey, Coree McKee & Roman Bykov, Linnea Snyderman. Poem & concept: Linda J Albertano.

9. “Continuum” revised from “Dances of Assimilation (1995) Previewed at Alva’s 9/12/14, premiered 9/28/14 at the SP ♥ TriArt Festival. Dancers: Elizabeth Ann Poinsette, Tonya Vivian, Kistina Pressler, Coree McKee, Kirby Harrell, Steven Nielsen.

10. “Al’s House” Site specific work, both indoors and out. 6/23/13. Dancers: Elizabeth Ann Poinsette, Angela Todaro, Kistina Pressler, Jenni Kiilholma, Tonya Vivian, DJae Singleton.

11-15. “The Baggage Project” including “Mourning Light”, “Woman Sleeping” revised from 1981, “Remembrance” revised from 1991, “Tap Dance Widows Club” (50’ video + live dancers) Media by Audri Phillips. Previewed and performed at Alva’s, 3/11 and the Miles Memorial Playhouse, 5/11, officially premiered in 11/12. Dancers: Ashley Allen, Zsolt Banki, Jen Hunter, Brittany Midiri, Steven Nielsen, Sarah Nordquist, Sung-Yun Park, Angelina Prendergast, Anne-Marie Talmadge, Angela Todaro, Mao Yagi. Guest Dancer: M’saada Nia. Video & film clips supplied by the 3 widows in the work, Louise Reichlin (Alfred Desio), Katherine Hopkins-Nicholas (Fayard Nicholas), and Loretta Zerby (Jon Zerby).

16. “The Better to Bite You With” Previewed and premiered at The Jazz Bakery, Culver City, 4/09. Also writer, media artist and narrator.40′ Dancers: Genna Forkey, Samantha Hoe, Anaja Holloway, Steven Nielsen, Sung-Yun Park, Jaclyn Speas.

17. “Dance At the Stone House” Sun Valley Youth Arts Center, an interactive site specific participatory dance multimedia event, 10/07. 45′. For 5 dancers + 60-80 4th-6th graders

Dancers: Karla Hagen, Anaja Holloway, Rocio Ponce, Salinee Vanichanan, C. Ivy Withers

18-20. “The Reality Series” including “The Shampoo” 3/07 presented by Brand Art Center and “Identity” and “Los(t) Angeles” 5/08 at The Madrid. Dance/Theatre/Multimedia. Also writer and media artist. 40′

Dancers: Kiyoko Ando, Lindsay Dale, Anaja Holloway, Eva Wieland, Teya Wolvington, Karla Hagen, Tamara Kagel, Sung-Yun Park, Stephanie Simpson, Salinee Vanichanan, Alexandria Yalj. Guest Flamenco artist Batista Gremaud

21-25. Kick Up Your Heels! Commissioned by the Pasadena Pops Orchestra, performances at Descanso Gardens, La Canada, 8/03. 1 hour of new work. Dances from “Rodeo”, “On the Town”, “In Vierno Porteno”(a concert tango work to Piazzolla), “West Side Story”, Grease.” 8/03.

Dancers: : Elizabeth Brookman, Danny Davalos, Danielle Lewis, Steven Nielsen, Natalie Pausch, Brian Pelletier, Ellen Rosa, Christine Tomasello, and Wil-son Williams.

26. “The Patchwork Girl of Oz” Parts I & II: Final Chapter, 3/01 to present. 1 hr.7 min. Dance/multimedia work for 8 dancers + narrator. Also, Writer. Part I prem. 3/01 Zipper Hall, Los Angeles. Multimdia and collaborator Act I: Richard Wainess

Dancers: Karen Acosta, Katina Childs, Jennifer Flanagan, Carlene Lai, Mandy Langen, Louise Reichlin, Yuki Tomino, Shelby Williams, Wil-son Williams.

Part II prem. 4/02 at Newman Hall, USC, Los Angeles. Multimedia: Michael Masucci

Dancers: Janell Burgess, Louise Reichlin, Wil-son Williams, Bryon Pelletier, Ellen Rosa, Sarah Sydney Jenkins, Elizabeth Brookman, Adrienne Fisher, Shannon Schwait

Entire work includ. Final Chapter at Myrna Loy, MT, 11/02, NPN Residency. Additional media VJ artist: Shinji Murakoshi. Additional media artist for New York performances 1/12: Audri Phillips

Dancers: Tara Page, Louise Reichlin, Wil-son Williams, Steven Nielsen, Ellen Rosa, Sarah Sydney Jenkins, Elizabeth Brookman, Adrienne Fisher, Shannon Schwait

27. “Dream Scapes” Version II premiered at El Portal, No. Hollywood CA in 2002, US & international touring through 2005. 70′ version, 4 dancers.

Dancers: Tara Page, Steven Nielsen, Ellen Rosa, Elizabeth Brookman

28. “Dream Scapes” A collaborative multi-media live music project written and composed by Steve Reid, Bamboo Forest. Choreographer for members of LR&D. 2000-2005. Previewed at the JAT in Los Angeles, and premiered in Orlando FL. 6/2000. With 6 dancers. 45′ version. With live band (Bamboo Forest) and aerials.

Dancers: Karen Acosta, Ross Graves, Deidre Cavazzi, Jennifer Flanagan, Sharon Pennix, Yuki Tomino, Dana Berk

29. “Yellow Star” from “The E-Mail Dances” Dance/multimedia work. Revised and performed at the Bing Theatre, USC, and at the Ivar in Hollywood as part of Caught Between, 6/03 and 8/03. Original work in 1996.

Dancers: Louise Reichlin, Elizabeth Brookman, Angela Drown, Danielle Lewis, Steven Nielsen, Ellen Rosa, Christine Tomasello and Kelly Wilkinson.

30. “Taiwan Taipei International Motor Show” Co-choreographer for 9 days of performances for Ford Auto, Taipei, 01-02.

Dancers: Jennifer Flanagan, Adrienne Fisher, Kristen Wilkinson, Nick Bowman.

31. “Alliance Funding University”Three industrials for Alliance Funding at the Bahara Resort, Santa Barbara. 4 dancers, 2 musicians. Director/Choreographer with Alfred Desio. Jan. 2001.

Dancers: Hiroshi Hamanishi, Bob Carroll, Demetria Moss, Tommie Retter

32. “TRT Spot”Choreographer for Turkish Radio Television. Pittard Sullivan. 11/2000.

33. “Schick-Wilkinson Industrial”Industrial for 5 dancers, 3 musicians. Director and co-choreographer. Milford, CT. 2000.

Dancers: Bob Carroll, Demetria Moss, Tommie Retter, Nick Bowman,

34. “The Five Sisters”A story of five sisters for Louise Reichlin & Dancers. Choreographer, Director, and Writer. Premiered at the International Performing Arts Festival For Youth, June 1999, Bing Theatre, USC.

Dancers: Marco Carreon, Joe Caruana, Allison Higa, Tracy Chudoba-Wood, April Murray, JoEllyn Musser, Sharon Pennix, Louise Reichlin, Setsuko Yamamoto

35. “The Lion and the Mermaid”For Louise Reichlin & Dancers at the Los Angeles Children’s Museum premiered February 1999, revised for the International Performing Arts Festival For Youth, June 1999, and toured to Las Vegas in 99. Choreographer, Director, and Writer.

Dancers: Allison Higa, Jose Reyes

36-38. “Caution: Men At Work, TAP”For Theatrical Arts International, California Theatre, San Bernadino and Bakersfield Music Theatre, 1999. Additional choreography March 2000, including “Harried Executive”, “Dust”, and “ER” by Reichlin. Directed by Alfred Desio. Toured 12 states March and April 2000. Also China.

Dancers: Nick Bowman, Bob Carroll, Jimmy Fisheer, Hiroshi Hamanishi, Demeria Moss, Chance Taylor, Tommie Retter, Msaada Nia

39/40. “Shall We Dance?” and “Grease!” With the Pasadena Pops Orchestra, September 5, 1998, Descanso Gardens. “Shall We Dance?” In collaboration with Alfred Desio, music by George Gershwin and Lucas Richman.

Dancers: Alfred Desio, Kiyomi Koga, Miles Alden, Abelardo Cisneros, Lori Ann Coulis, Milena Ferreira, Clinton Huff, Jennifer Jiménez, Allan McCormick, JoEllyn Musser, Sharon Pennix, José Reyes, Paris Wages, Setsuko Yamamoto, Tracy Zutavern.

41. “The E-Mail Dances: version 2.0”Writer/Choreographer/Director. With new multimedia version of “Relative?” and “Remembrance II, ” for Louise Reichlin & Dancers (LR&D), Los Angeles Valley College, 1998.

Dancers: Francie Daviess, Allison Higa, Benjamin Huerta, Daniel Mason, JoEllyn Musser, Kimi Page, Jennifer Palmer, Sharon Pennix, April Murray, Louise Reichlin, Morgan Williams

42. “The Woman With One Head and All Join In”For LR&D with workshop participants from Valerio Elem., and later with audience members. Premiered at Valerio Elem. Sch 1998. Also performed at many theatres through 2000.

Dancers: Francie Daviess, Allison Higa, Benjamin Huerta, Daniel Mason, JoEllyn Musser, Kimi Page, Jennifer Palmer, Sharon Pennix, April Murray, Louise Reichlin, Morgan Williams

43. “Charlie” An original musical based on Charlie Parker, 1997, and “A Special House” Original musical for the Reader’s Theater, LA Children’s Museum, directed by Candace Barrett. 1996. Actors of Reader’s Theater.

44. “The Woman With One Head”Parts I and II for LR&D. Premiered at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art 1997-1998. Part III premiered at the Margo Albert Theatre, Plaza de la Raza, 1998.

Dancers: Francie Daviess, Allison Higa, Benjamin Huerta, Daniel Mason, JoEllyn Musser, Kimi Page, Jennifer Palmer, Sharon Pennix, April Murray, Louise Reichlin, Morgan Williams

45. New multigenerational dances for children and their parents. Originated at Grant Elementary, (“This is the day, We–” ), Alexandria Elementary, Los Feliz Elementary, Valerio Elementary 1996-1999.

46. “Frankenbean and the Monster Carrots” An original musical produced by the LA Children’s Museum. Book by Judith Walcott, Lyrics by Scott Nagatani and Judith Walcott, Music by Scott Nagatani. Directed by Candace Barrett. LA, touring to Pittsburgh, San Francisco, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Brooklyn Academy, Smithsonian Institute, 1997. 3 actor/dancers.

47/48. “The E-Mail Dances: educational version and lite version”for LR&D. Multimedia work with one version for solo narrator/performer and video for the Orange County Museum of Art, and one for narrator/ performer and video and 8 dancers and for Feet Speak Festival, Occidental 1997.

49. “The E-Mail Dances: version 1.0 alpha & 1.0 beta”for LR&D. Includes “Yellow Star,” “Re-Relative?” “Woman in a Room, Woman in the Moon,” “Contest,” “Remembrance.” Video Art by Michael Masucci. Reichlin as Writer, Choreographer, Director. For 8 dancers. 1996. Performed at Bovard USC and Barnsdall Art Gallery Theatre. 45′

Dancers: Ken Arata, Karen Acosta, Libby Blumberg, Tamara Dowling, Amy Hoffmann, April L. Murray, JoEllyn Musser, Louise Reichlin, Jian-Min Hao

50. “Midsummer Night’s Dream” Opera by Benjamin Britten, Dir. by Frans Boerlage. USC Opera, 1996. Also in 1976. Singers from opera company.

51. “Let’s Put It All Together”The 2nd of two works for special projects our company did at Manual Arts High School using movement from the cultures of the company and the students. Second project in 1996. First project 1993.

52. “Dances of Assimilation”for Louise Reichlin & Dancers. Suite of three dances for 6 dancers. 1995. Performed at Glendale College, Bovard Auditorium, Barnsdall Gallery Theatre, and Valley College through 1998. 30′

Dancers: Allison Higa, Karen Acosta, JoEllyn Musser, April Murray, Cindy Kitagawa, Jodi Marcus

53. “Easy and Uneasy Pieces,/a collaboration”for LR&D. Includes “There’s a Light Coming In the Window”(’94, premiered LA County Museum of Art/Bing Theatre), “Contest” and “Milking the Cow” (’94, premiered Fountain Th., LA) For 9 dancers. Collaboration with Alfred Desio based on a concept by Reichlin. 30′

Dancers: Lisa Casullo, Karen Acosta, Cindy Kitagawa, JoEllyn Musser, Allison Higa, Louise Reichlin, Alfred Desio, Channing Cook Holmes, Vincent Gomez, Erinn Nunn, Grace C. Renn

54 – 57. “Turkish Delights” Premiered at Brand Art Center , Glendale, for LR&D. May 1993. Includes “Magician,” “Dervish,” “Odalisque,” “Folk Dance.” For 7 dancers. 30′

Dancers: Kristin O’Keefe, Jennifer Garrett, Barbara Erfurt, Winifred Harris, Kojiro Yamamoto, Bo Crowell, Leslie Barr, Chie Fukuda, Winifred Harris

58-63. “Urban and Tribal Dances” for LR&D. Includes “Batida,” “Alone,” “Together (’90, prem. at Keck Theatre), “War,” and “Remembrance”(’91, prem. at Bing Theater, USC) “Wedding”(’92, prem. Brand Art Center, 30′

Dancers: Bo Crowell, Ruriko Sakumi Duer, Erika Fujikawa, Jennifer Garrett, Winifred Harris, Kaori Okado, Louise Reichlin, Sarah Luck Pearson, Paul Supkoff, Juliet Waller, Rhonda Zygmunt (’92 cast)

64. “Communal Dream” for Louise Reichlin & Dancers. Premiered at Bovard Auditorium, USC, 1992. For 6 dancers. 12′

Dancers: Bo Crowell, Erika Fujikawa, Jennifer Garrett, Winifred Harris, Rhonda Zygmunt, Bernadette Isaacs (’92 cast)

65. “Metamorphosis”for Louise Reichlin & Dancers. Premiered at Bing Theater, USC, 1991. Solo. Revived periodically, last performed in 1998. 7′ Dancer: Linda Machida

66. “The Tenderland” An opera by Aaron Copeland, directed by Frans Boerlage, Thornton School of Music Opera. 1990.

67. “Much Ado About Nothing” Commissioned by SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL/LA. Prem. at the Ford Theater. 1990.

68. “dis-located” for Los Angeles Choreographers & Dancers. Premiered Bing Theater, Los Angeles, ’89. 25′

Dancers: Ruriko Sakumi Duer, Linda Machida, Sy Byram, Katherine Doyle, Yumiko Kamaguchi, Howard Sun Tom, Christine Kribach

69-73. “Celtic Suite” for LA C&D. Includes “Gaelic Scrawl”(’90, Keck Theater, Los Angeles, duet), “From Out of Their Graves”(’83, Chapman College, Orange, for 9 modern dancers and 1 musician/tap dancer), “The Lark,” “Susie MacGuire” trio, “Fair Nottamun Town” (’84, Pilot Theater, LA). Performed at many theatres in Los Angeles, San Diego, Tuscan AZ for the Summer Arts Festival.

Dancers: Louise Reichlin, Alfred Desio, Lisa Moses, Kathy Bingham, Manena Fayos, Noelle North, David Oquendo, Angela Page, Frances Zappella, Lori McWilliams, Catlyn Day, Jerry Cayford, Madonna Roberts

74. “Cielo e Terra” for LA C&D. Premiered at Coronet Theater, Los Angeles, ’88. For 9 dancers.

Dancers: Louise Reichlin, Renee Fox, Alison Knerl, Susan Wong, Mark Ogo, Eimi Guirao, Mimi Westin, Linda Machida, Madonna Roberts-Billauer

75. “Grounding” for LA C&D. Premiered Bing Theater, Los Angeles, ’87. For 6 dancers. Revived in ’09 for 4 dancers at The Jazz Bakery and the Orange County Museum of Art.

Dancers: Dancers: Jody Leader, Velia Lockett, Tamara Hensick, Ruriko Sakumi, Mimi Westin, Mark Ogo, Madonna Roberts

76. “Matrix/3 Color Impressions” for LA C&D. Premiered as “No Story” at the Japan America Theatre, Los Angeles,1985.

Dancers: Jody Leader, Jeannette Sermak, Susan Frink, Tamara Hensick, Ruriko Sakumi, Mimi Westin, Jean Bridges Kordadian, Jeff Moreland, Mark Ogo, Madonna Roberts

77. ‘XXIIIrd Animal/ Olympics Program commissioned by the Los Angeles Zoo, for LA C&D. Included 11 different thematic sections based on Animal Champions, summer of 1984. For 6 dancers.

Dancers: Louise Reichlin, Noelle North, Jerry Cayford, Frances Zappella, Angela Page, Sharon Kerr, Patrick Russell

78. “Gimbdu Dance Suite” for LA C&D. Commissioned by Laguna Beach Arts Commission for “Arts in Motion.” Previewed at Laguna Beach, ’83. Because of rain, the work was then shown “in progess” at Dance Home in Santa Monica and premiered at Pierce College. For 5 dancers and kinetic sculpture by Elfi Chester.

Dancers: Louise Reichlin, Lisa Moses, Youngae Park, Robin Speer, Ron Sheppard

79. “A Christmas Carol” an opera for USC Opera, ’81. Composed by Stephen Tosh, directed by Frans Boerlage, at Bing Th., USC, Los Angeles. Funded by a grant from the National Opera Institute and the Opera Guild of So. CA.

80. “Merchants Lunch or Ulysses Meets Camunda” co-choreographed with Alfred Desio for LA C&D. Premiered Bing Theater, Los Angeles, ’81. For 9 modern dancers and solo tap dancer.

Dancers: Alfred Desio, Sheri Louise Cecil, Cindy Cohen, Carolyn Krueger, Lori McWilliams, Youngae Park, Esther Gunn, Richard Cala, Paul Tanney, Teresa Victor

81. “Woman Sleeping” for LA C&D. Premiered Bing Theater, Los Angeles, ’81. For 10 dancers.

Dancers: Louise Reichlin, Sheri Louise Cecil, Cindy Cohen, Carolyn Krueger, Amy Bloom Masor, Lori McWilliams, Youngae Park, Ellen Swerdlow, Esther Gunn, Richard Cala, Paul Tanney, Teresa Victor

82. “Moon Dance” (from Ladies of the Moon) reworked for LA C&D, ’81 from the original premiere with Young Musicians’s Orchestra & Usc Opera as part of Dido and Aeneas in ’77, Los Angeles.

Dancers: Lorie McWilliams, Teresa Victor, Louise Reichlin

83. “Early Earthen” for LA C&D. Premiered Pilot Theater, Hollywood, ’80. For 6 dancers.

Dancers: Louise Reichlin, Sarah Elgart, Kathleen McCarthy, Francine O’Neill, Catlyn Day, Wendy Loring-Blasdel, Monica Morris Lyons, Cathy Milne, Cynthia Woll

84. “Let’s All Dance to a Bluegrass Beat!” for LA C&D. Premiered 1980, and developed for school tours.

Dancers: Vanessa Vandergriff, Wallace Latina, Sarah Elgart, Kathleen McCarthy, Francine O’Neill, Catlyn Day, Wendy Loring-Blasdel, Monica Morris Lyons, Cathy Milne, Cynthia Woll,

85. “Time-Warp Tarantella” for LA C&D. Premiered Bing Theater, Los Angeles, ’79. For 12 dancers.

Dancers: Louise Reichlin, Jeanne Flood, Kenneth Thomas, Victor Garry, Antonina Armato, Loretta Zerby, Melanie Lester, Laura Bassett, Lisa Corsberg, Elise Mishkin, Shary Ross, Judy Sandweiss

86. “The Tennis Dances” premiered at Bovard Auditorium, Los Angeles, ’79. For 13 dancers. The next performance at the Ford Theatre that summer was the first official performance of Louise Reichlin & Special Dancers/Los Angeles Choreographers & Dancers.

Dancers: Louise Reichlin, Emily Gartner, Jeanne Flood, Kenneth Thomas, Victor Garry, Antonina Armato, Mame Dhitirojana, Loretta Zerby, Jennifer Winstead, Susan Campbell Sandri, Kathi Harber, Melanie Lester, Laura Bassett, Lisa Corsberg, Benjamin Greenberg, Elise Mishkin, Shary Ross, Judy Sandweiss

87 “The Imaginary Invalid” directed by John Reich. Bing Theater, Los Angeles, ’79.

88. “Magic Theatre II” choreographed and contracted through a multicultural grant, directed by Michael Fuller, 1978. My first experience with a piece designed for school presentation.

89. “Amahl and the Night visitors” commissioned by USC Opera, premiered at the Wilshire Ebell, and touring 1974-’80.

90. “The Caucasian Chalk Circle” directed by John Houseman. Bing Theater, Los Angeles, ‘77.

91. “The Music Man” directed by Ernest Sarracino, Bing Theater, Los Angeles 1977.

92. “Dido and Aeneas” USC Opera and Young Musicians Foundation Orch. conducted by Calvin Simmons, dir. by Frans Boerlage, 1977.

93. “L’Enfant Et Le Sorteleges” An opera by Maurice Ravel. Conducted and directed by Hans Beer. 1974.

Dancers: Anika Gaugh, Vanessa Vandergriff, Bill Brown

94/95. “Oklahoma!” Directed by Ernest Sarracino, 1976 and “L’il Abner” Directed by Jed Horner. Bing Theater, LA, 1975.

96. “Romeo and Juliet” Produced by L.A. Free Shakespeare Festival. Directed by Terence Scammell. Pilgrimage Th. 1976.

97/98. “On the Town” , 1974 and “Kiss Me Kate” , 1973. Directed by Jed Horner, Bovard Auditorium.

Alfred Desio Comprehensive Choreography