Company Director Louise Reichlin was on the Steering Committee for the original Arts Community Partnership when it was disbanded by the LAUSD in 2008. The Committee focused on alternative Arts Education plans from across the country. During that time, she was also on the Advisory Committee for the Los Angeles County Arts For All Meetings, and that is when our company branched out once more for the following Districts. The name for Arts For All is now the Arts Ed Collective website.

Los Angeles County Districts we have worked with as listed on the County site with their current links on that website. They include:
We are currently members of the Arts Community Network (ACN) and on the Partners For Student Success of the Los Angeles Unified School District.
We are currently on the Children’s Creative Project roster which covers school districts in the Western area including Ventura, San Luis Obispo, and others.
We have memberships with Dance USA, the Dance Resource Center of Los Angeles, the Western Arts Alliance (WAA), the International Performing Arts For Youth (IPAY), and with the Association of Performing Arts Professionals (APAP). We are also listed on the South Arts Dance Touring Initiative.