We serve 20,000-27,000 youth
ages 5-18 every year.
We are committed to using dance as a unifying force that crosses cultural, generational, language and socio-economic lines. In 2017 we reworked our family classic The Patchwork Girl of Oz, touring to NC and Las Vegas, also presented locally by the Children’s Literature Department of the LA Central Library. Thousands of sponsors for our “Family” programing have included the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Mark Taper Auditorium, the Levitt Pavilion, Young Audience’s Share the World Project, and Kidspace; we tour locally for the Los Angeles and Santa Barbara County School Districts, expanding to 22 states, MX and Taipei. We have received multiple “education” grants from Knabe’s Arts Education Partnership, Target, and the CRA, and presently from the Dept. of Cultural Affairs, City of Los Angeles, the California Arts Council, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture, and RFP’s from the LAUSD. We had twelve listings vetted under the old LA County Arts For All website, now updated by their new Arts Ed Collective website. Teacher and choreographer Louise Reichlin performed in New York, in both modern dance and Broadway shows, also touring, and was on the faculty of USC and UC Irvine. Her work, including recent projects like the dance multimedia theatre piece “The Patchwork Girl of Oz”, the cirque live music production “Dream Scapes” and collaborations with the Pasadena Pops, have won outstanding reviews.
This Spring, consider a Field Trip between April 22-26 to the Taxco Theatre in Canoga Park for “An Immigrant Child’s Story”, another prize winning work that both empowers and entertains.
For principal’s letter and evaluations see here.
For education packet with local fees including 2024-2025, see NEW FEE SHEETS 24-25