A Jewish Child’s Story- Part I-The Roses On My Wallpaper- A Dream. photo by George Simian

Photo by George Simian

Louise Reichlin & Dancers/ Los Angeles Choreographers & Dancers returns to Culver City with a program both JOYOUS and MOVING in a dance performance at the Culver City Senior Center.  

WHEN: Saturday March 29, 2025 1:30 pm

WHERE: Culver City Senior Center, 4095 Overland Ave, Culver City 90230


DANCE COMPANY INFORMATION: 213-458-3066 louisehr@lachoreographersanddancers.org

TICKETS AND PARKING: Free and open to the public. Reservations not necessary. 


DANCERS: Alana Astor, Carmen Tienda, Camille Imperial, Sophie Kim, Alice Lousen, Ashley Magana,     Emily Mcguire, Coree McKee Gonzalez, Mcknnly Moren, Louise Reichlin, Brooke Sinton


 A Jewish Child’s Story is an autobiographical dance multimedia work reflecting my early dreams as the granddaughter of Jewish immigrants. It also incorporates research on the Holocaust and explores the connections to relatives I never had the chance to know. Through movement, storytelling, and multimedia, this performance bridges personal history with collective memory, offering audiences a deeply emotional and thought-provoking experience. Most of us come from families that are immigrants and can relate to it.”

The performance includes an audience and artist discussion of the work and other dance pieces by Reichlin including HEART an almost final version, and Selections from The Tennis Dances. 

This performance is made possible in part by the California Arts Council, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Department of Arts and Culture.– OGP Grants Program and LA County Creative Recovery Fund, the WORD Grant 2016 Bruce Geller Memorial Prize, and by grants from the City of LA Stage Advance Department of Cultural Affairs, & from the National Endowment For the Arts.

Videos: A Jewish Child

               HEART image

               HEART Part I

               Selections from The Tennis Dances 

The map has locations for our activities in this fiscal year that began July 1, 2024

Come along with us as we navigate a pathway through February and March, despite the seeming unpredictability of the weather.

Our Teaching Artists are at 5 schools over a wide map of Los Angeles (plus a few in the Santa Barbara area). In the Valley are Pomelo, Anatola Ave, and Primary Academy, and moving south 112th St and Carson.

We are in rehearsal for culminating performances and also for our annual performance at the Culver City Senior Center on March 29. It is a free performance and open to the public, also leading to a ticketed one at the new Taxco Theater in Canoga Park in April. Stay tuned for more info, and sign up for our mailing list for instant notification; follow us on instagram @lachoreographersanddancers.

Encore – San Pedro ♥ Festival of the Arts 2024 

The SAN PEDRO FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS ENCORE (formerly the SP TriArt Festival) is a free family event and this year’s ENCORE is focused entirely on dance.

WHEN:            Sunday Dec 15, 2024 from 1-3 pm

WHERE:          AltaSea, 2451 Signal St, San Pedro, CA 90731

                         Berth 60- furthest berth closest to ocean/ enter door 35 as is inside)

WEB SITE:       https://triartsp.com


WHO:                Culture Shakti, Dhoon Dance, Jazz Spectrum Dance Company, Alice Lousen, Sahlala Dancers, SINDHOOR & NATYAVEDA – Navarasa, Pasion Flamenca Los Angeles, The Mcculla Movement, Louise Reichlin & Dancers/Los Angeles Choreographers & Dancers

Louise Reichlin, Festival Executive Producer & Dance Director


SAFETY:           Because of the changing nature of the pandemic, we are requesting all in the audience test several days earlier that week, and to wear masks if recently exposed to COVID 19.

Our company, Louise Reichlin & Dancers/Los Angeles Choreographers & Dancers, will present additional sections of HEART for the first time. Part I premiered at the Ivy Substation in July and Part 2 at the Sept 21st Festival. From the choreographer having some medical tests- “I had what is called a TRANSTHORACIC ECHO (TTE) COMPLETE. As I lay comfortably on a table, I was “wired” and a technician took lots of data readings, and when I realized I could turn my head and see the insides of my heart beating, it was an amazing experience. It inspired the work! I picture the heart as inhabiting a hive-like universe with everything connected, and this work is both dance and media. A reviewer wrote “The dance distinguishes the individual dancers through personalized shapes and gestures while also wrapping them together with the use of mutual partnerships, lifts, and supports. This connection continued to unfold as the dancers evoked the ebbing and flow of the pulsing heart while bleeding into different groupings.”

San Pedro ♥ Festival of the Arts 2024 

The SAN PEDRO FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS (formerly the SP TriArt Festival) is a free family event and is all DANCE this year. A unique feature will be called “2 Moves” where the performing artists will share “2 Moves” from their dance for the audience to learn, so they will be have a chance to experience some of the nuances of the piece. This will be before and between every three dances and those in the audience who wish can learn and dance on the lawn and return to their chairs or blankets to watch the next dances. As in the past, there will also be a free raffle drawing during the performance.

WHEN:             Saturday Sept 21, 2024 from 1-4:15pm

WHERE:           Peck Park – on the upper lawn next to the Community Center

                         560 N Western Ave, San Pedro CA 90732

WEB SITE:       https://triartsp.com


WHO:                Degas Dance Studio Performance Team, Dhoon Dance, Encore Dance Company, Jazz Spectrum Dance Company, Jose Costas Contempo Ballet, Kairos Dance Company, Kindra Windish, Re:borN Dance Interactive/Reborn Arts, SINDHOOR & NATYAVEDA – Navarasa, Southern California Dance Academy, The Mcculla Movement, Southern California Dance Theatre, Louise Reichlin & Dancers/Los Angeles Choreographers & Dancers, Rajasthani Caravan, Yusuf Nasir

Louise Reichlin, Festival Executive Producer & Dance Director 213-458-3066 louisehr@LAChoreographersAndDancers.org
Alice Lousen, Yaya Ruiz- Co producers


SAFETY:           Because of the changing nature of the pandemic, we are requesting all in the audience test several days earlier that week, and to wear masks if recently exposed to COVID 19.

LA Choreographers & Dancers presents “HEART” – by Louise Reichlin & Dancers!

Featuring a Culver City Premier- HEART, Part I, plus a full program of dance/multimedia works including METRO TRANSFORMATION, GOTTA GET UP! All 6 dances reimagined from the critically acclaimed URBAN AND TRIBAL DANCES (Batida, Wedding, Alone, War, Remembrance, Together), and REBOOT! REBOOT!

WHEN:           July 12, 2024 (Friday preview at 7 pm)

                        July 13, 14. Saturday and Sunday at 2:00 pm

WHERE:         The Ivy Substation, 9070 Venice Blvd, Culver City, CA 90232

WEB SITE:     https://LAChoreographersAndDancers.org/News

TICKETS :     $25   https://HeartLACD.eventbrite.com

LA C&D PHONE RESERVE & INFO:        213-458-3066 or louisehr@lachoreographersanddancers.org

WHO:             Creative Director/ Choreographer:      Louise Reichlin

                        Additional Choreographers: Jill Elaine Collins, Mcknnly Moren

                        Performers: Alana Astor, Jill Elaine Collins, Julie Hackett, Alice Lousen,  Eve Metsäranta, Mcknnly Moren, Yaya Ruiz, and Kohl Lewis.

                        Visual Artists: Feliz Mc Innis, Audri Phillips

PARKING: Free on street after 6, and for matinees there is INCE (entrance across Culver next to Trader Joes or enter at 9099 Washington Blvd. (theater is between Culver and Venice) – first hour free, $1 every 30 minutes after that) or Culver Steps, enter at 9300 Culver Blvd, same prices. Our performance runs between 1- 1 1/2 hrs.

JOIN US: For soulful, imaginative dance that empowers you, our diverse audience members, to expand our shared understanding of life.

Metro Transformation promo- https://vimeo.com/960682979

HEART– https://vimeo.com/960720526

Urban and Tribal Dances promo- https://vimeo.com/762949756

Reboot! Reboot! promo- https://vimeo.com/760120344

These performances are made possible in part by the City of Culver City and its Cultural Affairs Commission, with support from Sony Pictures Entertainment and also supported in part by the California Arts Council and by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Department of Arts and Culture.

LA Choreographers & Dancers will be at LAUSD Arts Fest!

We are working in residencies this month at Carson Elementary (In Carson), San Miguel Elementary (in Southgate), and Dearborn Elementary (in Northridge) in grades ranging from pre-k and k to 5th grade. They are all part of the LAUSD Cultural Arts Passport Program (CAP) funded by Extended Learning Opportunities.

WHEN:            Saturday, April 27th, 2024 @ 2:30 pm

WHERE:          Large Dance Studio @ LA City College 

                         855 N Vermont Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90029

Tickets: FREE and can register here : https://bit.ly/ArtsFest2024Yes

On April 27 we are doing a free interactive Demo as part of the LAUSD Arts Fest (see flyer of the many activities). Ours is at 2:30 in the large dance studio and called: DANCE! With LA Choreographers & Dancers, An interactive performance to Bluegrass Music about the materials of DANCE, where 5 members of our company (LA Choreographers & Dancers/ Louise Reichlin & Dancers) perform, and then teach volunteers from the audience (maybe EVERYBODY!) parts so all can perform together at the end of the workshop. There are no age restrictions, and all are welcome. Other activities range from 9am- 4pm.

Join us for “Dance! With LA Choreographers & Dancers”

Limerick Avenue Elementary invites you to attend a free performance of our students and Los Angeles Choreographers & Dancers. It is a free culminating performance from our dance residency at Limerick Ave Elementary with 16 classes.

WHEN:            Fri, February 9th, 2024 at 12 or 1 p.m. (3rd grades) or                                                         Fri, February 23rd, 2024 at 4:30 p.m. (5th grades) NEW DATE

WHERE:          8530 Limerick Ave, Canoga Park, CA 91306

Tickets: FREE and open to the public – if you are a parent or general audience member, please contact Limerick Ave Elementary at 818-341-1730 if you would like to attend and please be specific. 

The performance and residency workshops are presented by LOUISE REICHLIN DANCERS, a performance company of LOS ANGELES CHOREOGRAPHERS & DANCERS (LA C&D). They have been working with the students in a 5-session dance residency to learn the words and movement from three multicultural dances- the Tanko Bushi from Japan, the Kol Dodi from Israel, and the Lamba from the 14th century Mali Empire in West Africa. Some are learning a Mexican dance Las Chiapanecas. Some of the students are also performing in “The Tennis Dances”, a theatrical work using props.

Louise Reichlin &; Dancers will perform Gotta Get Up, and sections of The Tennis Dances. For the Feb 20 performance they will also be performing the first section of Reboot! Reboot! that ends with a square dance. The company had worked with the school several years ago, and the assemblies were to be the first LIVE we were able to do in the schools- but COVID 19 jumped in the day of the show, and it was postponed several weeks. This year the company is working with six of their 3rd grades, five of their 4th grades, and five of their 5th grades. The school residency is sponsored in part through a grant from the Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Los Angeles along with major support from the new CAP Program (LAUSD’s Cultural Arts Passport program funded by Extended Learning Opportunities). The company also receives funding from the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Arts Commission and the California Arts Council towards its educational programs.


(Left) Our company repertory at Santana Arts Academy, Haddon Ave El and Rosa Parks El, as part of the LAUSD’s Winter Academy. (Right) At La Patera El/Goleta CA Feb 1/24

San Pedro Festival of the Arts 2023 – September 23

ABOUT:  Dance performances (19 companies) with free raffle tickets and unique  feature called “2 Moves” where the performing artists will share “2 Moves” from their dance for the audience to learn

Website:            https://triartsp.com

WHO:  Vanessa Kanamoto, Katrina Ji, Arpana Dance Company, Degas Dance Studio, Katie Marshall, Jose Costas Contempo Ballet, Kairos Dance Company, Megill & Company, Alice Lousen & Co, Passion Flamenca Los Angeles, Sahlala Dancers, Maya Kell Abrams, Re:borN Dance Interactive, The Southern California Dance Theatre, Jazz Spectrum Dance Company, Louise Reichlin & Dancers/Los Angeles Choreographers & Dancers, Santa Barbara Community College, AkomiDance. Inc, Vidushi Sumangala, Vijaykumar Varun 

WHO: Louise Reichlin, Festival Executive Producer & Dance Director    

Email: louisehr@LAChoreographersAndDancers.org

Video:  https://vimeo.com/876248614

Video:   https://vimeo.com/876248781

Video:   https://vimeo.com/876502978

Louise Reichlin & Dancers 
in a  
of “A Joyful and Compelling look at our Post Pandemic Times” 
Where: Culver City Julian Dixon Library (meeting room) 
4975 Overland Ave 
Culver City, CA 90230  
When: Thursday March 2, 2023 at 12 noon
Tickets: FREE – No reservations needed, Masks are encouraged but not required
For Culver City Julian Dixon Library info: 310-559-1676 
For Los Angeles Choreographers & Dancers program info: 213-458-3066
Full program will be at the Culver City Senior Center on March 18 at 1:30 pm
(photo-a playful scene from Wedding / Urban & Tribal Dances 2022) 
This performance is made possible in part by the City of Culver City and its Cultural Affairs Commission, with support from Sony Pictures Entertainment and the Culver City Arts Foundation. It is also supported in part by the California Arts Council and by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Department of Arts and Culture

Louise Reichlin & Dancers in

A Joyful and Compelling look at our post pandemic times featuring
a Culver City Premier- Gotta Get Up!
The Reimagined Urban and Tribal Dances, and Reboot! Reboot!

Saturday, March 18, 2023 @1:30 pm — FREE!
Culver City Senior Center 4095 Overland Ave, Culver City, CA 90232


Creative Director /Choreographer: Louise Reichlin
Performers: Jill Elaine Collins, Coree McKee Gonzalez, Eve Metsäranta,
Emily McGuire, Kaitlyn Mckinney, Mcknnly Moren, Kanie Sequoia, Catherine Smith, and Kohl Lewis
Visual Artists: Feliz McInnis,  Audri Phillips

Gotta Get Up promo- https://vimeo.com/796510128

Urban and Tribal Dances promo- https://vimeo.com/762949756

Reboot! Reboot! promo- https://vimeo.com/800345052


EVENT INFO 310.253.6700

DANCE CO. INFO 213.458.3066, louisehr@LAChoreographersAndDancers.org

MASKS Masks are encouraged but not required

(photo-from Reboot! Reboot!) 

This performance is made possible in part by the City of Culver City and its Cultural Affairs Commission, with support from Sony Pictures Entertainment and the Culver City Arts Foundation. It is also supported in part by the California Arts Council and by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Department of Arts and Culture

Back to live performances again!

We had our first interactive school performance, also working with 4 classes who shared the performance at 61st St Elementary. 

Taught by Coree McKee Gonzalez, Glenn Rodriguez and Katie Mcculla with a company performances by Jill Elaine Collins, Coree McKee Gonzalez, Kaitlyn Mckinney, Mcknnly Moren, and Emily Mcguire. 

We also a finished a series with 7 classes who had their own performances as part of the multicultural arts week at Vintage Magnet. 

Teaching Artists were Katie Mcculla, Eve Metsäranta and Coree McKee Gonzalez.  

Coming up next is a company performance of The Better to Bite You With.

It features our current residency 2nd graders from Crescent Heights Blvd El. Language/Social Justice Magnet.

Teaching Artists there are Coree McKee Gonzalez and Katie Mcculla. 

Next are excerpts from that early work about Li’l Red Riding Hood who has a toothache and Mr. Grey Wolf, who has really bad tooth hygiene, created in 2008, last performed live at the Mark Taper Auditorium, LA Central Library in 2014.

Link: https://vimeo.com/473945885

Reichlin receives commission from Dance in the Districts with the premiere of Moving at the Madrid 

In July we filmed material honoring the support we have received from developing works at the Madrid Theater. 

The resulting short features our current dancers joining footage from the original productions and was premiered at the Lankershim Art Center on Oct 1, 2022. 

DCA and the Los Angeles Dance Workers Coalition funded the online performances by 22 dancers and choreographers who reside or work in Council Districts 2, 3, 8, and 10 for the pilot program, Dance in the Districts

Our short film, Moving at the Madrid, was created and recorded at the Madrid Theater and included looking at some of the works juxtaposed with our current dancers. Works included “The Patchwork Girl of Oz”; “A Jewish Child’s Story”, and most recently “Reboot! Reboot!”

Link to our short documentary: https://vimeo.com/765885752

Join Us for the San Pedro ♥ Festival of the Arts 2022

A family event featuring Dance

ABOUT:   Dance performances (18 companies) with free raffle tickets and community tables and unique new feature called “2 Moves” where the performing artists will share “2 Moves” from their dance for the audience to learn.

WHEN:           September 24, 2022 from 1-4:15 p.m.

WHERE:         Peck Park – on the upper lawn next to the Community Center at 560 N Western Ave, San Pedro CA 90732

WEBSITE:       https://triartsp.com



WHO:  DAGDAG Dancers, Jazz Spectrum, Jeevika Bhat – Jyoti Kala Mandir, Kairos Dance Company, Kaitlyn McKinney, Katrina Ji, Louise Reichlin & Dancers/ Los Angeles Choreographers & Dancers, Megill & Company, Pranamya Suri, Re-borN Dance Interactive, Sahlala Dancers, SINDHOOR & NATYAVEDA –Navarasa Dance Theater, The Mcculla Movement, Encore Dance Company, Cabrillo Dance Company, Degas Dance Studio, Santa Barbata Community College Dance Company, Showtime-Katusha                         

PRODUCED BY: Louise Reichlin, Festival Executive Producer & Dance Director


Funded in part by a grant from the Department of Cultural Affairs City of Los Angeles (DCA)

For information contact louisehr@LAChoreographersAndDancers.org


The San Pedro ♥ Festival of the Arts is a free family event each September, in the past featuring Dance, Music & Visual Arts/Crafts Booths. This year, our 16th, we approach it with the focus on dance. The festival was again awarded a Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Los Angeles Festival Grant. Performance date for the festival this year is Saturday September 24 at Peck Park during the day.

We are interested in all dance forms performed by professional companies including traditional ballet and modern as well as ethnic dance forms, tap, fusion, jazz, and hip-hop. Also included are 2-3 pre-professional companies or schools. Any not fully vaccinated will be asked for tests 2 weeks or less before performances if that still the standard in LA County. The performance is outside and it is daytime so no projections are possible. The raised outdoor stage with a dance floor is 28 x 32 ft.

Last year we created a hybrid festival with a virtual division, and until we see a bit more clearly where Covid-19 is at that point, we are anticipating mostly live, with some on video/film to be streamed. Please honor the length requirement.

Honorarium for all professional companies selected.

Final Deadline July 15, 2022.

To apply follow steps 1 & 2 below.

Professional companies- length- 10 to 20 minutes Pre-professional/ community- under 10 minutes.

There is always great diversity in the programming. You can see 60″ promos from last year at vimeo.com/showcase/2021sanpedroartsfest

To apply:

1-  email louisehr@LAChoreographersAndDancers.org what you would like to perform with theme and music with a video link in performance or rehearsal or video outline (if not yet performed), including a digital press packet, and contact info. Let us know if music rights were cleared on your video if submitting in the video division and submit that actual video/film.

2- include an application fee of $35. Final Deadline July 15, 2022.

3-  to pay, go to our website, https://lachoreographersanddancers.org/donate/ and type in the amount in Pay Pal. Attach your company name and “Festival”.

Or mail a check to LA C&D, 351 S. Virgil Ave, Los Angeles CA 90020.

The San Pedro ♥ Festival of the Arts is produced by Louise Reichlin, Los Angeles Choreographers & Dancers. For information: louisehr@LAChoreographersAndDancers.org

2 Years of this time without end…” – from Louise Reichlin & Dancers

JOIN US: For soulful, imaginative dance that empowers you, our diverse audience members, to expand our shared understanding of life. 

All 6 dances reimagined from the critically acclaimed URBAN AND TRIBAL DANCES Batida, Wedding, Alone, War, Remembrance, Together,  BRANDENBURG from Tap Dance Widows Club, and REBOOT! REBOOT!

WHEN:           June 17, 2022 (Friday preview at 7 pm)

                        June 18, 19. Saturday and Sunday at 2:00 pm

WHERE:         The Ivy Substation, 9070 Venice Blvd, Culver City, CA 90232

WEB SITE:     https://LAChoreographersAndDancers.org/News

TICKETS :     $25      https://2-years.eventbrite.com

LA C&D info & PHONE RESERVE INFO:         213-458-3066  louisehr@lachoreographersanddancers.org

PARKING SUGGESTIONS: Look at end of this listing after Reboot!  Reboot! review.

WHO:             Creative Director/Choreographer:       Louise Reichlin

                        Performers: Jill Elaine Collins, Coree McKee Gonzalez, Eve Metsäranta, Katie Mcculla, Emily Mcguire, Kaitlyn Mckinney, Mcknnly Moren, Jestina Mundy, and Kohl Lewis.

                        Visual Artists: Feliz Mc Innis, Audri Phillips. “WAR” unSeen Masks in photo by Feliz McInnis

REQUESTED: Proof of vaccination or recent covid test (MASKS also preferred.)

2 Years of this time without end-PRESS RELEASE IVY SUBSTATION


Founded in 1979, Louise Reichlin & Dancers/ Los Angeles Choreographers & Dancers is documenting the last two years with a reimagining of Urban and Tribal Dances, Brandenburg, and Reboot! Reboot!, returning to the Ivy Substation at 9070 Venice Blvd, Culver City, CA 90232 with a preview on Friday June 17 at 7 pm, and performances on Saturday & Sunday June 18 and 19 at 2 pm. These performances are made possible in part by the City of Culver City and its Cultural Affairs Commission, with support from Sony Pictures Entertainment and the Culver City Arts Foundation. They are also supported, in part, by the 2021-22 Second Supervisorial District Arts and Culture Recovery Grant Program, by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Department of Arts & Culture, and by a CA Arts Council Operating Grant.

            A few reviews of the works on this program- three from the original with two recent ones.

“And Urban and Tribal Dances certainly deserves all the audiences it can get…Reichlin’s ambitious, ever- engaging, six-part suite delivers exactly what its title promises. Following once again her trademark aesthetic, she opts for metaphor, transferring what we think of as tribal behavior to the contemporary urban scene .”        Los Angeles Times

“The most interesting example of her current work was found in Urban and Tribal Dances, which was further enhanced by an intriguing score of ethnic sounds gathered from around the world

…Costumed in surreal headdresses and makeup, the dancers conveyed the interconnectedness of human existence, juxtaposed with the isolation experienced even in the midst of society.” Variety

“…evoking mysterious, primitive imagery” Daily News

Alone 2020 – “For the (Los Angles Dance) Festival, Reichlin has taken a recording of … an earlier solo entitled Alone, and with the aid of technology, has cleverly superimposed four other similar solos to create Alone 2020. The work features 5 women living alone in separate tents. It is a work with multiple layers of meaning considering the homeless situation throughout this country, the separation we all feel during the pandemic and the dependency we all have on our telephones.” LA Dance Chronicle

Reboot! Reboot! (2021)– “An earthy opening …moving through worlds of joyous bluegrass and aggressive tangos…. The ending was quiet, reflective, and sweet, beginning with a vibrating reach that drew energy from the earth as each dancer rose up to join into unison. The cycling music started again as the dancers came together culminating with a final unifying circle, and finally sweeping unity …left the viewers with a sense of honesty and clarity regarding a human need for connection and meaning.” LA Dance Review


Parking free on street after 6, and for matinees there is INCE (entrance across Culver next to Trader Joes or enter at 9099 Washington Blvd. (theater between Culver and Venice )- first hour free, $1 every 30 minutes after that) or Culver Steps enter at 9300 Culver Blvd, same prices. Our performance runs between 1 to 1 1/2 hrs.

Louise Reichlin & Dancers /Los Angeles Choreographers & Dancers at the HH11 Festival in Santa Barbara

Center Stage Theater, 751 Paseo Nuevo, Santa Barbara CA 93101
4/24/22 matinee at 2 pm

Performing our newest work Reboot! Reboot!

Ticket Prices: General $23 Student $18 Festival Pass $68 VIP Festival Pass $83 [includes preferred seating, and complimentary beverage at each performance] 

LA C&D- louisehr@lachoreographersanddancers.org

HH11 Festival – nebuladance@gmail.com

WEB SITES: LA C&D- LAChoreographersAndDancers.org

HH11 Festival- nebuladance.org/event-and-ticket-info

Concept and Choreography: Louise Reichlin
Featuring: Jill Elaine Collins, Emily Mcguire, Kaitlyn Mckinney, Eve Metsäranta, Jamil Morgan, Stevie Teran

VIDEO SAMPLE: vimeo.com/607831359/86c32fd19b

Our newest work Reboot! Reboot! Center Theater, Santa Barbara

At this year’s festival, we present a performance of a new work Reboot! Reboot! It was originally created as a film in August 2021 and is about how we are constantly rebooting everything we have known with the ever-present pandemic. Or perhaps it just asks how we have always dealt with uncertainty and the necessity for adaptation while maintaining who we are. “An earthy opening …moving through worlds of joyous bluegrass and aggressive tangos…. The ending was quiet, reflective, and sweet, beginning with a vibrating reach that drew energy from the earth as each dancer rose up to join into unison. The cycling music started again as the dancers came together culminating with a final unifying circle, and finally sweeping unity …left the viewers with a sense of honesty and clarity regarding a human need for connection and meaning.” LA Dance Review

City of Carlsbad Cultural Arts presents

Cinematic Dance Theater

From Louise Reichlin & Dancers/ Los Angeles Choreographers & Dancers

 “Tap Dance Widows Club”, an acclaimed combination of video, movement and   storytelling.

WHEN:           Saturday April 9, 2022 at 7:30 pm

WHERE:         Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium, 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad, CA 92011

EVENT INFORMATION:    408-529-1313 or 602-369-4620                    

DANCE COMPANY INFORMATION:     213-385-1171 or 213-458-3066

WEB SITE:     www.LAChoreographersAndDancers.org

ADMISSION:  FREE General Admission to performance and activities, no reservations necessary

WHO:             Director/Choreographer:         Louise Reichlin

                        Visual Artist:                             Audri Phillips


Jill Elaine Collins, Natalie Ellis, Katie Mcculla, Emily McGuire, Coree McKee Gonzalez, Eve Metsäranta, Mcknnly Moren, Jestina Mundy and Louise Reichlin


– Tap Dance Widows Club is “Spectacular, moving, uplifting!” Past & present meet for an eclectic celebration of life in Tap Dance Widows Club, a 50′ film / live production that tells a story of the love of three performers for their late husbands and the bond it created between them. “The interweaving of time, of distinctly different worlds through both video and dance, makes this piece not only unique, but deeply touching.” exploredance.com. The production is free to the public.

Press Release.

Article LA Dance Chronicle https://www.ladancechronicle.com/louise-reichlin-presents-tap-dance-widows-club-at-the-ruby-g-schulman-auditorium-april-9/

39 second video.

See Complete Auditions listing at https://lachoreographersanddancers.org/news/auditions-employment-collaborations/

Looking for 2 Dancers, Male and Female, to augment our core dancers for projects through June 30. Professional dancers: modern/contemporary, strong tap, strong ballet and jazz background, strong stage presence, expressiveness, musicality, and technique. Floor work is important and ability to improvise helpful. All ethnic types. Solo parts.

All dancers should be fully vaccinated or tested negative within last several days, and will be asked to show proof at audition.

Send resume and photo to louisehr@lachoreographersanddancers.org. Auditions continue March 8 and 10 by appointment. Email or call 213-458-3066 for more information.

Our Educational Residency Programs continue at Limerick Avenue Elementary School as another at Richard Riordan Primary Center begins.

Louise Reichlin & Dancers /Los Angeles Choreographers & Dancers creates an educational project at Limerick Avenue Elementary School. After one week of virtual classes while our company made sure all testing was completed, this became our first residency in 2 years that is LIVE. Our teaching artists have worked live with 6 classes over a 4-week period preparing for 2 live performances on February 22, 2022. The school was also making sure all tests for Covid were done, and classrooms were used for the dance classes as testing got priority in the auditorium. But then the performance space opened up, and was available for the final weeks. Both the students and 6 members of the company are performing live. As at Rosa Parks, the students have been learning the words and movement from three multicultural dances- the Tanko Bushi from Japan, the Kol Dodi from Israel, and the Lamba from the 14th century Mali Empire in West Africa. Some of the students are also performing Las Chiapanecas, a traditional Mexican folk dance. Our Dance Teaching Artists this semester for Limerick Ave Elementary are Mcknnly Moren, Eve Metsäranta, Louise Reichlin, and Jill Collins. Added to these at the performance are Coree McKee Gonzalez, Emily Mcguire, and Katie Mcculla.

The company dances presented in our school program are streaming on Vimeo, as we are not allowed to have the students shown according to LAUSD rules. The company videos will therefore show a range selected from our 42 years of educational programs.

The school residency is sponsored through an RFP to the company from Partners For Student Success (PFSS) of the Los Angeles Unified School District and grants from the Dept of Cultural Affairs City of Los Angeles and the California Arts Council. It is also sponsored by Los Angeles Choreographers & Dancers who  receives education grants from the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture.

Streaming: Vimeo

Photo: Paul Antico. Past company members in photos include Tamara Kagel, Sung-Yun Park, Alexandria Yalj, Karla Hagan, Salinee Vanichanan, Anaja Anderson, and Louise Reichlin

Educational Residencies at Rosa Parks Learning Center

Louise Reichlin & Dancers /Los Angeles Choreographers & Dancers does Part 1 of a hybrid educational project at Rosa Parks Learning Center. Our teaching artists have worked live with 8 classes over a 4-week period for a live performance with their part live, and Director Louise Reichlin’s part running the performance and sharing several company dances virtually to the virtual parents that zoomed in. Company dances are also being streamed through Nov 11, 2021 and then again Dec 15-25 after Part II with 7 more classes. The students have been learning the words and movement from three multicultural dances- the Tanko Bushi from Japan, the Kol Dodi from Israel, and the Lamba from the 14th century Mali Empire in West Africa. Some of the students are also performing a Chiapanecas, a traditional Mexican folk dance. Our Dance Teaching Artists this semester for Rosa Parks Learning Center are Elizabeth Ann Poinsetta, Coree McKee Gonzalez, Katie Mcculla,  Mcknnly Moren, and Eve Metsäranta.

The general public community can share the company dances presented in our school program streaming on Vimeo. The company videos also show a range selected from our 42 years of educational programs. We cannot use ones actually done in schools that show the student interaction because of LAUSD cyber rules. 

The school residency is sponsored through an RFP to the company from Partners For Student Success (PFSS) of the Los Angeles Unified School District and grants from the Dept of Cultural Affairs City of Los Angeles and the California Arts Council. It is also sponsored by Los Angeles Choreographers & Dancers who also receives education grants from the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture.

Streaming: Vimeo


Press release 

Louise Reichlin & Dancers / Los Angeles Choreographers & Dancers performs at the Fiesta La Ballona

October 31, 2021 from 1:45-2:45

WHERE: Veterans Memorial Park, 4117 Overland Ave, Culver City, CA 90230. Parking information on website.

ABOUT: Our oldest and signature work The Tennis Dances, and our newest work Reboot! Reboot!  Watch excerpts.


Our performance made possible in part by the City of Culver City and its Cultural Affairs Commission, with support from Sony Pictures Entertainment and the Culver City Arts Foundation.

At this year’s festival, we present excerpts from our signature work The Tennis Dances, (“Clever evocations of theatre dance styles…everything from Fokine and Graham to Bejart and beyond, all unified by rackets and nets and tennis balls.” Los Angeles Times) and a showing of a new work Reboot! Reboot! It was created as a film in August 2021 (still unedited) and is about how we are constantly rebooting everything we have known with the ever-present pandemic. Or perhaps it just asks how we have always dealt with uncertainty and the necessity for adaptation while maintaining who we are. 

Press Release
Fiesta La Ballona website

San Pedro ♥ Festival of the Arts 2021

Our free annual celebration of the performing arts is back for 2021, focusing exclusively on DANCE!

We run from Wed., September 1, with our Film division to be followed with LIVE performances, featuring 28 professional companies and schools in total. Join us at Alvas Showcase on Sun., September 12 at 4 pm (vaccination cards and masks required) and on the outdoor stage at AndersonPark on Sun., September 19, beginning at 1 pm (negative COVID-19 test and masks required.) With limited seats at Alvas, we suggest emailing louisehr@lachoreographersanddancers.org with “I want 1 seat for Alvas show” in the subject, and your name in the body and “I will bring a vax card and a mask.” We want you all to be safe. The film program is at vimeo.com/showcase/2021sanpedroartsfest and will run till 10/11/21 along with recordings of the live performances after they happen. Our own company is premiering Reboot! Reboot! that we are currently shooting as a film at the Madrid Theatre.

The re-introduction of the San Pedro Festival of the Arts using film and multiple performances is made possible by a federal stimulus grant supplement. The San Pedro Festival of the Arts is made possible in part by a grant from the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs.

For all performance details and artist bios, go to www.triartSP.com.
You can download the schedule here.


Apply Now for the San Pedro ♥ Festival of the Arts

Dance and Other Areas
September 12 & 19, 2021

The San Pedro ♥ Festival of the Arts is a free family event, in the past featuring Dance, Music & Visual Arts/Crafts Booths. This year, our 15th, we approach it in a new way due to the dimensions of the recent Pandemic. The festival was again awarded a Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Los Angeles, Festival Grant + a grant to reintroduce the festival to the community. Sept 12 will be the re-introduction indoors at Alvas Showroom and Sept 19 will be outside on the large 32 x 28 stage as in the past at Anderson Park. We will be recording both performances to share on the Internet and all performances will be live and free to the public, but with restricted audiences. Because of the additional grant, we will also be able to pay professional companies for the Alvas performance, something we have not been able to do in the past. There is also pay for the outside festival as usual for all professional companies.

We are interested in all dance forms performed by professional companies (usually about 20 selected, but may be less this year) including traditional ballet and modern as well as ethnic dance forms, tap, fusion, jazz, and hip-hop. Each day also includes 2-3 pre-professional companies or schools. All performances will be live. As LA County rules go now, any not fully vaccinated in your group will have to wear masks, and fully vaccinated will not whether inside or out. Any not fully vaccinated will be asked for tests 2 weeks or less before performances. At Alvas, there are some lights and projection available, but outside it is daytime and no projections possible.

Honorarium for all professional companies selected.

Early Deadline July 5, 2021.

Final Deadline July 15, 2021.

Learn more

excerpts from DIS-LOCATED

7 pm on Sat May 8, 2021
At the Orange County Dance Festival – ticket info below

Our first live performance in more than a year! 

dis-located is set on three homeless people, but it grew out of specific feelings and how they crystallize into movement. It also focuses on disempowerment. The feelings are those we have when we deal with displacement- like the immigrant who arrives in a new land, the situation of transition and instability, and loss, whether of a relationship or a job that has provided security in the past. 

Originally created in 1989 by Louise Reichlin, music is by Michael Shrieve, Steve Roach, David Torn, Spielman und kleriker (Lai des Amans), Sergei Prokofiev with an Original score by Paul Hodgins

Dancers in dis-located:

1- Katelyn Martin, Jill Elaine Collins, Eve Metsäranta 

2- Eve Metsäranta, Caitlin M Heflin, Jill Elaine Collins, Katelyn Martin

3- Jill Elaine Collins, Artur Aleksanyan

4- Katelyn Martin, Jill Elaine Collins, Eve Metsäranta


  • Louise Reichlin /LA Choreographers & Dancers
  • Continuum 
  • Evolution Dance Company
  • Jazz Spectrum Dance Company

This event is presented in-person and in accordance with current health and safety guidelines put forth by the State, County, and City. Due to social distancing, audience capacity will be limited. Advanced ticket purchase required.

Buy Tickets

The Patchwork Girl Of Oz

Free streaming Extended- April 28- May 31, 2021
On Vimeo 
With the opportunity to present a free performance in co-ordination with one of our school residencies, we are delighted to invite you on a journey of self-discovery. Louise Reichlin & Dancers/ Los Angeles Choreographers & Dancers presents an inspiring family-friendly dance and multimedia work, featuring the award-winning narrated production of The Patchwork Girl of Oz performed at the Taper Auditorium, Los Angeles Public Library. The company is in residence now at Melvin Avenue Elementary School. One of our grants specifies that the student workshops culminate in a performance for the public, but because of the nature of on-line activities (and not possible to monitor at the school site) we are presenting one only for the school where the students are in two of the dances, and one for the public without those students but with our professional dancers. Special thanks to our funders who include the Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Los Angeles, the CA Arts Council, the LA County Department of Arts and Culture, and the Arts Office of the LA Unified School District.

Education Residencies This Year

Now in April, we just finished a dance residency working with every student at Amanecer Primary Center from age 3-9 through the new Partners For Student Success (PFSS), and now we are working with 3 classes at Melvin Ave El and 4 classes at Broadacres El. In the Fall we returned to Plainview Academic Charter and Danube Elementary, and worked with 5 classes of Middle School students at Logan Street School. Special thanks to our education funders who include the Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Los Angeles, the CA Arts Council, the LA County Department of Arts and Culture, and the Arts Office of the LA Unified School District. Also thanks to our individual contributers that help tie everything together.

New York Virtual Performances

Louise Reichlin & Dancers/ Los Angeles Choreographers & Dancers returns to the Jazz at Lincoln Center Dance Booking Festival/NYC with “Brandenburg” from “Tap Dance Widows Club” in their ENCORE Booking Dance Festival, and also in New Directions with three dances from “Urban and Tribal Dances”. They were streamed by Jodi Kaplan & Associates at bookingdance.com, who will be running ENCORE from Jazz at Lincoln Center again on April 29.